Friday, February 4, 2011

Send the devil an Email!

I was thinking and praying today when the Lord started revealing to me about getting answers to prayer and seeing things happen.  It was wonderful! He used this as an amazing example...

Suppose you need to send an email asking someone to do something for you... you would explain out exactly what you would like to see done or not done... you would tell them if they needed to leave... or stay... you would explain why it was a good idea or a bad idea... you would explain deeply what it was your talking about.  That way the person on the other end receiving the email will understand exactly what you are talking about.

The Lord asked me 'now when you go to send this email if you leave the TO: part blank the email will not leave!  No matter how many times you send it... it will just stay right their in you In-box.. you must send it somewhere.' So how about this... the next time your praying... send your junk, your sickness, anything that is bothering you and yes... be specific and send it right back to the devil... tell him to leave you alone! The Bible says in 1 John to resist the devil and he will flee... resist whatever it is specifically attacking your or your child... tell him to leave you or whomever ALONE!!

When your done with your email... be sure to put the devils name in the TO box... along with your sickness, poverty, emptiness, unforgiveness, etc... and send it all back to h--! Amen!! So be it!  Be sure to sign it... not in your name.. but in Jesus name... he hates that cause then he has to listen and obey! hahha!!

Hope this helps someone out there! Please leave comments!! Please follow!


Thursday, February 3, 2011

A Breakthrough Anointing!

Proverbs 25:2 It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter.

2 Corinthians 4:7 But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

What one must do to carry such an anointing? What is a breaker anointing?

When Jesus walked this earth He carried a breakthrough anointing.  It's an anointing to get the job done... not just some day but RIGHT NOW! This is the kind of anointing people are hungry for... I believe we are stepping out of the "wait and see" to the true book of Acts, the suddenlies! The anointing to take people to another level.  Now, it's not our anointing but it is His anointing/treasure within us and we get to use it!

So, is it hidden... this kind of anointing. It must be cause not many people walk in it... So we must search it out, find it.. call and cry out for it! Because we want to carry so much of God that you can't even see the vessel any more, you just see Him.  Amen! Instantly, people end up saved, healed, and have breakthrough in every part of their lives because we are searching and FINDING the treasures that are within us and the ones the Lord has hidden for us to find!

Breakthrough is something that you stand up for, not wimpy going with the flow of what everyone else thinks is okay but it is taking a Godly stand! Yes, Godly stands bring breakthroughs!! Everyone is influenced when you break out of the mold, dare to be different, and take a stand... not against people but the principalities of darkness that try to run or control your life and keep you living defeated.

Ways to receive a breakthrough... prayer, fast, meditate God's word, pray in the Spirit....TIME is what it takes that not many people want to do.. above list... but breakthrough takes time in the Spirit... cause things will accelerate when you go to address the breakthroughs in your life and peoples lives!!

Eventually we will not only see breakthroughs in our own lives but in other peoples as well... and eventually our churches will receive breakthrough, our families, our neighborhoods, our cities, our state... etc.  :)